Structural Computational Biology


DINC-Ensemble docks large ligands incrementally to an ensemble of protein receptors.

Docking to receptor ensembles

DINC-Ensemble implements the ensemble docking paradigm by docking ligands in parallel to multiple receptor conformations.

Docking large ligands

DINC-Ensemble implements an incremental approach for docking large ligands.

Making DINC-Ensemble accessible

To facilitate easy use of the DINC-Ensemble, we create a WebServer and a python package for DINC-Ensemble.

Further links

Check out our WebServer here: WebServer
Check out our github repo here: Github


If you use DINC-Ensemble in your work, please cite the tool as shown:

  • D. Devaurs, D. A. Antunes, S. Hall-Swan, N. Mitchell, M. Moll, G. Lizée, and L. E. Kavraki, “Using parallelized incremental meta-docking can solve the conformational sampling issue when docking large ligands to proteins”, BMC Molecular and Cell Biology, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 42, 2019.

  • D. A. Antunes, M. Moll, D. Devaurs, K. R. Jackson, G. Lizée, and L. E. Kavraki, “DINC 2.0: a new protein-peptide docking webserver using an incremental approach”, Cancer Research, vol. 77, no. 21, pp. e55–57, 2017.

  • A. Dhanik, J. McMurray, and L. E. Kavraki, “DINC: A new AutoDock-based protocol for docking large ligands,” BMC Structural Biology, vol. 13, no. Suppl 1, p. S11, 2013.

  • D. A. Antunes, D. Devaurs, and L. E. Kavraki, “Understanding the challenges of protein flexibility in drug design,” Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 1301–1313, 2015.

DINCE-Ensemble tutorial video


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